Friday, October 17, 2008

Life as it is.......EPISODE 10 : Be PRACTICAL

I go for jogging everyday. But, what surprises me is that it never tire me. I remain fresh as before. I wondered, why? Then, I realized I must be mad to jog in my mind. It just goes to say, that anything entertained by our mind will not come into fruition, unless it is applied practically.

Life is practical. Don’t spend money and time to understand imagination, resentment, religion or strive aimlessly to understand rites and ceremonies. Live a simple life with ample love and compassion. Thinking about living a simple, do we need to crack our head to profess a religion by cutting off ties with families, friends and the societies? Think simple. You need not strive hard to live such a live. It is our nature, our birth right. Many spend time in understanding the principles laid in the religions without least awareness that these so-called principles lie within each one of us. Try to understand and embrace more and more people within our fold of love. Render help to as many needy individuals in term of food and education. Live the life. Don’t spoil the life with extreme beliefs and cultures. Move on the surface and let your mind swim deeper. This journey is a travel from our little ‘self’ to the big ‘SELF’. It ends where it begins.

Don’t growl at others. Cool down in the hours of utter dismay. Spirituality has no religion. It is beyond ideologies and religions. Only LOVE speaks. Let us be the torch that lit up people’s life and not to burn them unto ashes. Peace be unto all.

Copyright by Wintere26.

Date: 18 October 2008.


Diana Sahu said...

Good Thought. Thanx for visiting Someday Somewhere. Will surely come back here to read more...


Devika Jyothi said...

Hi Life!
Life is practical, agreeable..
But Love in practical parlance is at times highly dangerous....often misunderstood..
Love too needs times! with some people...
thats the lesson from my life..
but generally, in general terms your post speaks right!


Keshi said...

wow wut a GREAT post!

**Spirituality has no religion. It is beyond ideologies and religions. Only LOVE speaks

Loved wut u said there!
