Friday, October 10, 2008

Life as it is......EPISODE 3 : MEMORY

Trailing behind us like the shadow are memories stored in some dimension of a life lived, perhaps from minutes to days to months to years to decades ago. Memories saturated with honeyed experiences and memories dipped in bitter taste are all shadowing us right after immediate past. It evokes both pleasant and painful sensation. The wonderful memories, let us cherish and pray that they recur again and again in our lives and give us the hope for a peaceful survival ahead. While the bitter ones, let that serve some lessons and teach us how to walk the path of life with carefully guided values.

Don't live with the memories. Make each memory a milestone of experience to be anticipated or to be avoided as we breathe the light of life. What else can life give us in the hours of peace and also desolation....but memories.\

Copyright by wintere26

Date : 10 October 2008

1 comment:

Devika Jyothi said...

True! and lesson taken, Life!