Friday, October 10, 2008

Life as it is.....EPISODE 4 : LOVE

Love, the basis for the expansion of this wondrous universe. Yet, it is the most misconstrued word and expression among mankind. People like many things in life. But, they can't differentiate between likes and love. People fall in love and fall out of love, yet they can't understand love as a spark of tolerance. Lust too has become love. When people are attracted to one another based on physical appearances, that too has been misunderstood as love. They hardly differentiate between lust and love.

The beauty of love is that it doesn't attach importance to anything but just to love and love. Purely unconditional is love. Love is free from many things, yet love is everything. When one learn to just love and love....he learns to forgive and forget. Resentment will become history and vengeance will vanish from his mind. Power of love is dynamic. Let us see love as the life itself and not a requirement or an aspect of life. Love. Peace be to all.

Copyright by Wintere26.

Date: 11 October 2008.


cyclopseven said...

I agree with you wintere26. Love is a most misunderstood term among human beings.

Devika Jyothi said...

If Love is misunderstood, I should be the most misunderstood...
because i feel none is so full of love as i all its hues and cues...

anyways, don't know why..your lessons make me look or relook at myself..

sorry,if you find it bad that I take things personally to myself here...But then, the blogger talks to each of his reader personally, I suppose...

Should I be closed with my readings...i do not know, I go by my impluse..most of the time.

Tell me if i'm wrong :-)
