Sunday, October 26, 2008


It is Deepavali day, the festival of light. This is one of the famous festivals among the Hindus. Well, every festival dwells on lights. Name one festival where there are no lights or fire to represent goodness and to ward off darkness. Hindus from every nook and corners of the world celebrates this event to mark the beginning of sunshine in their lives, especially in their minds. They pray for many things such as well being, wealth ranging from good family, good crops, good money, good partners, good children, good education, good good good and many many good things in life. It’s ok. There is no harm in asking for many good things, instead of asking for one bad thing.

God is gracious. He gives and gives. But, a question we may ask on this special day, are we ready to take and make use of everything God given in a rightful manner? This means sharing the good things with our unfortunate brothers and sisters irrespective of race and religion. This also means willingness to sacrifice the good things blessed when there arise occasions where others may be in demand of those things. Are we ready?

Deepavali starts with early morning oil bath. Hey common guys…this doesn’t mean that we pour buckets of oil over us. In Hindu tradition applying some oil on the body signifies an act of purification, then they will wear new clothes; lighting of oil lamps, followed by prayers at home and going to temples. Festive mood is not over yet with all those activities. Now it is time to invite and serve our friends and relatives. As part of the tradition, some people would pack some Deepavali cookies to be given to the neighbours. Talk about Deepavali, we can’t run away from TV programmes, movies and also some cultural activities. Great. Go and enjoy yourselves. Get immersed in the spirit of Deepavali with fireworks. Let the children run free today. Lets everyone be liberal in thoughts and moods. Be positive. Lets initiate the goodwill and brotherhood among mankind.

Then, what? We forget Deepavali? And, wait for another year to come by? Together with the celebration, let us remember that this day act as a reminder as well. Reminder? One may start to scratch his/her head? Yes, dear friends and relatives, it is not just a celebration but a reminder to us to forego at least one habit which doesn’t serve well to us and also to society. So, every Deepavali is a moment to shed the wrong kind of habits and replace it with some positive ones. We can do that. It is not only during Deepavali, but also during every festival or every religion the followers must aspire to give up at least one bad quality in them. Then the meaning of true celebration will descend upon our arid mind. The significance become clear. We too can lighten ourselves from unwanted elements. God Bless. May peace be unto all.

Copyright by Wintere26.

Date: 27 October 2008.


sage said...

Happy Deepavali and thanks for enlightening us to this Hindu holiday

Pauline said...

Thank you for such an inspiring post. Our struggle to stay focused is often challenging and these beautiful celebrations give us time to re-focus on the important spiritual issues...Peace